Private individuals,

    Create your property

    assets in complete safety

    Immobilière Darmon in 4 words:


    From 10,000 €, benefit from a:

    • Profitable investment

    • Access to expert's advice

    • Access to operations traditionally reserved for institutions and informed investors


    Immobilière Darmon is a group founded by Yves Darmon, entrepreneur and strategy consultant for SMEs, who himself has created several real estates for his clients.

    He surrounded himself with a local team of professionals, bankers, notaries, real estate agents.

    Immobilière Darmon aims to democratize access to building up real estate assets while offering the most excellent service.


    • Immobilière Darmon creates investment funds in groups of 10 people with identical contributions

    • Each fund is set up in the form of a Simplified Joint Stock Company in which each shareholder holds 10%

    • The contribution is guaranteed

    • Risks and investments mutualisation

    • No hidden costs


    This region is the one which recorded a rise in property prices twice as high as the national average (+ 5.50%) with an increase of 10.7% over 5 years.

    Originally from Nice, Yves Darmon, the founder of the group, knows the environment perfectly.

    This allows it to select projects that take into account the rental yield but also the quality of the location in order to optimize the rental and make a capital gain on resale.

    As an indication, the capital gain for real estate in Nice between 2009 and 2019 is 36%.

    Do you have €10,000, €15,000, €20,000?

    • Do you want to create an estate for a secure retirement?
    • To pass down a capital to your children, your grandchildren?
    • To make a high-yield investment?
    • Do you think that your downpayment does not allow you to access profitable real estate?

    Immobilière Darmon is your solution


    Immobilière Darmon allows private individuals to invest in promising projects, by accessing transactions traditionally reserved for institutional clients and informed investors.

    Each fund takes the form of a Simplified Joint Stock Company (SAS) made up of 10 shareholders who have invested the same amount and each owns 10% of the capital.

    These simplified joint-stock companies have the mandate to purchase and manage real estates. The creation and management costs, 1000 €, are payable only when setting up the SAS. No additional fees are charged during the entire mandate period.

    The fund’s value doubles in the first year.

    This is a medium and long term investment and it is recommended (but not mandatory) to hold your shares for a period of 10 years in order to double your down payment. In addition, to this calculation is added the realized capital gain that is in addition to this sum. The projects are always selected taking into account the rental yield but also the quality of the location in order to make a capital gain on resale. As an indication, the capital gain for real estate in Nice between 2009 and 2019 is 36%.

    Build your savings today, your tomorrow’s capital from €10,000 by becoming a shareholder in a real estate investment fund.


    Investing in real estate remains the investment of the future that offers the most safety.

    Residential real estate remains the safest value.

    Why Immobilière Darmon?

    Originally from Nice, the founder of Immobilière Darmon is an entrepreneur and consultant in business strategy and in creation of real estates. Thanks to his expertise, he wants to generalize access to building real estate by offering a VIP service and assuring your investment.

    Immobilière Darmon offers real estate located on the French Riviera, in Nice, the region of France which experienced a rise in the price of real estate twice more important than the national average (+5.50%) with an increase of 10.7% on 5 years.

    In addition, credit rates are historically low and interests are deductible.

    Transmission is simple and fast thanks to the implemented legal structure.

    Each real estate is carefully selected for the quality of its location and its yield potential.

    Immobilière Darmon is a human-sized company. Investors’ support is personalized. Everything is done in the most perfect transparency, no bad surprises, the capital is guaranteed and each investor is regularly informed and advised.

    Immobilière Darmon aims to generalize access to the creation of real estate holdings, while offering the most professional, serious and transparent service.


    We guarantee absolute transparency and security, all our operations are approved and ratified by our notary, Maitre Elodie Maquine.

    All financial transactions pass through the escrow account of our notary who ensures both control of the operation and compliance with the rules of the art.

    All exit options are planned and supervised contractually. No bad surprises.

    Thanks to housing loans with very low rates, the value of the fund doubles in the first year. It is recommended (but not mandatory) to keep your units for a period of 10 years in order to double at least your down payment. In addition, to this calculation is added the realized capital gain that is in addition to this sum. Projects are always selected taking into account the rental yield but also the quality of the location in order to optimize the rental and make a capital gain on resale.

    Contact us for more information